Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Trumpet fish won't rule the world.

So there you all are, thinking 'They must be in Panama by now, surely!'
Guess what?
We're not!
We're still stuck in Colombia, waiting for a man and his bloody boat. For Christ's sake, Colombian Time, argh............
But hey, I shan't complain too much. After two frustrating weeks of having the captain push the sailing date back further and further and very little sign of any other option, we bailed on Cartagena for a lovely little hamlet on the coast by the name of Tananga. Three or so hours north of Cartagena, Tananga is reminiscent of a Medditeranean fishing village, except full of Colombians littering every available piece of beach and sea, and where dogs rule and cats dare not tread. Not painting a very pretty picture am I! Despite the rubbish, the dogs are quite cool, some of them at least, and it is very pretty.
The diving ain't bad either. So Mike and I got brave and signed up for our Open Water Dive Certificate. Apparently it is cheap here and we hoped to make something good out of the time we had sat and waited for afore mentioned boat.
I admit that I only signed up because I didn't want to be bored ****less while Mike went off and had fun, and I also admit that I was scared ****less. The thought of deep water has always brought about a fear of being being eaten by Jaws, treading on a stone fish, or being stung by a Blue Bottle or Box Jelly Fish. The Australian Pacific coast has a lot to answer for. After being assured that there were no 'creepy crawlies' in the water who could eat me, I had the pleasure of watching the very naff and Americanised PADI video of learning to dive - for three hours.
Eventually we got into the water and to my suprise I found it quite relaxing to breathe. Pretending I was Darth Vader, without a light saber. Despite a panic attack with tears and begging the instructor not to make me go back under water (I was above water at the time thank god), I managed to get through and pass the course.
My favourite fish was the Porcipine Fish. For those of you who have seen Finding Nemo, this is one of those fish that blows up into a balloon and has spikes when scared. Sadly though, they can only do this about three times before dying.
But of all the fish, I guess the award for 'Tries hard, but just isn't bright' goes to the Trumpet Fish. There were loads where we were diving, big ones, small ones, bright canary yellow ones. Ey, just hang on a sec, Trumpet fish aren't supposed to be bright canary yellow. They are when they're camouflaging themselves in a school of other canary yellow fish. Sounds like a clever little habbit, being able to change colour to match their environment. Unfortunately this is where it comes unstuck for poor Mr Turmpet Fish. On this occasion, he missed the fact that he was about 20 times larger and a completely different shape to the fish he was trying to blend in with, remaining completely conspicuous. Ah bless 'im though, he gets points for trying.

Anyways, we're sat, once again, in an Internet Cafe in Cartagena. We should find out in about an hour whether there is a boat leaving tomorrow, so fingers crossed.


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